
Sunday 3 February 2019

How to get YouTube sponsorship from FAMEBIT

      Hello everyone, welcome back to, in this article i will discuss on some important points for getting FAMEBIT sponsorship for youtube channel. Famebit is considered as one of the most trusted website for getting youtube sponsorship and it is the part of YouTube. where many top end brand companies sign up for their product or app promotions via famebit, and as a creators many youtubers are signed up for this application from all around the world.

       Famebit website is very simple to use, that is the interface of this website is more attractive and any new user can easily understand how to apply for sponsorship through this website. For any youtuber to get sponsorship from the famebit, his/her channel must have atleast 5000 subscription base, then only they can apply through this website.

       In this website, mainly there is two options, that is sign up as creators and as a brand, to advertise your products you can sign up as a brand, if you are a youtuber or social media creator, then you can advertise the brand products by getting sponsorship from this website.

      The payment method is via paypal, so one should have paypal account to get the payment from famebit. and one more thing is the commission is around 10 % over each sponsorship price. so if you get 50 $ sponsorship, then 5 dollars will be cut through the famebit team and from paypal account again they will deduct around 2-3% to transfer the amount to your bank account, so overall for 50$ sponsorship one will get around 42-43 $ in his bank account by deducting all the charges.

Important points to be included in the FAMEBIT sponsorship;

1. Total number of subscribers / followers in your channel.
2. Channel analytics - male to female viewers.
3. Review units reviewed before applying to this channel, total views and company profit stats.
4. channel link and you can also add some review unit links that you review before applying to this sponsorship.
5. Advantage for the company, if they hire you.

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