
Monday 1 October 2018

3 Important things to do after opening YouTube channel

Hey whats up guys, in the previous article i am completely discussed about how to open a YouTube channel and what are the criterias to get monetized from the youtube, in this article, i will brief about 3 important or you can consider as must do things after creating or opening a new youtube channel, without this your channel is nothing to do with the existence.. because these three are the very important criteria and one must follow to protect his /her channel life long.. without these things even if you grow your channel higher like million, billion subscribers also, your channel go demonetized and in some cases your channel will also get closed by youtube.. now you may be thinking what this man is telling like.. no worries, just read the below points..

1. Trademark registration - Yes, most of the youtubers doesn't know about this, Trademark registration is the most important thing.. without trademark if your channel grows and if you get good subscribers also you are more prone to loose your channel.. because the trademark is the thing which is given the GOI, imagine you are name your youtube channel with some name..for example xyz, if some other person also named the channel with xyz by sitting in other corner of the world and if he takes the trademark registration before you for his channel with the name of xyz.. then he may complaint on your channel and if you got million or billion subscribers also youtube will terminate your channel mercy less because of the trademark registration complaint made by the other person.

        so it is necessary that every youtuber should register for the trademark, after starting his /her channel, my suggestion is after starting your new youtube channel, work hard to get the first payment as early as possible and spend that amount for trademark registration and be safe from your end. any how the first payment from the youtube will be atleast 6,000 Rs., because youtube will make the payment when you reach the threshold of 100 $, so for Trademark registration the official government charges is 4000 Rs. and most of the cases your lawyers or consultant will take 3000 - 5000 fees for the services, so totally it takes 7000-10000 Rs. for the trademark registration.  just close your eyes and spend the first youtube revenue for trademark registration. so that you can avoid the trademark complaints on your channel.

          Most of the time any companies or trademark registered owners not bother about small youtube channels and even though they have registered the trademark for the particular name also they will be silent.. once your channel starts growing and if you get 100 K or million / billion subscribers then they will start attacking on you and they ask for some large amount, if you are not ready with that again they will lodge complaint to youtube and that is the end, once complaint is filed.. your channel will be terminated on that moment itself..

2. Creating account on social medias : This is the second most important thing every youtuber should know, once you start your youtube channel, with your continuous efforts it may become brand and at that time if you not own the social media accounts or if somebody takes that name before you then again it will become great headache for you, so once after starting youtube channel immediately create all the social media accounts, if not all, atleast create Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin.. so that you can spread your brand in the social medias, that can attract lot of companies, by which you can get more sponsorships etc.

3. Getting Custom URL : any channel without custom url is of waste.. because if you get the custom url then only your video will be top in the search results, youtube channel with different name and customs url with different name will literally kills your video search results and you will also loose many of your visitors / subscribers. so take your own custom urls for the all the social medias and youtube channel.. it also helps in advertising your channel, sharing links etc.

     These 3 are the major points to considered after creating a youtube channel, so please strictly follow these instruction to protect your channel.. i hope this article is helped you.. if yes please leave you positive comment on the comment section and share this article in your friends circle also.. thank you.

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