
Monday 1 October 2018

How to start a New Youtube channel

Hello friends, welcome back to technical ananth website, in this article i will brief about how to start a new youtube channel of your own and earn money online.. as all of us know youtube is the best platform to earn money online, and everyone is eager to start a youtube channel and earn money, but as per my 4 years experience in youtube career it is not that much easy as you think.. if you are ready to spend 5-6 hours per day, then this article is for you.. you can start reading this further.. starting a youtube channel is inexpensive.. i mean in simple words it is absolutely free.. but for earning a amount from youtube is very expensive.. in simple terms you have to spend lot of your precious time to create a good content, that most of your audience like or as of your passion..

Before starting any youtube channel you must have a gmail account, if not, please rush to start a gmail account of your own with correct details.. as you know opening a gmail account is free, so you can open the gmail account there, the next step is at the right corner of the gmail account you will find the small pockets, just hit that, then you will find plenty of google services in that youtube is also one.. you can directly click there or else you can also visit the youtubes official website called where you can sign in with the same gmail account.. once you sign in it is all done.. i mean you are now a member of youtube family.. 

Are you wondering about why this man is not showed any image or anything else.. then no worries i have provided the video link below so that you can also follow that if you not understand this or for practical   mode.

once you start the youtube channel you can directly start uploading the videos.. there is no approval process from youtube, but for getting monetized with your new channel needs approval that means you have to get approved from youtube once you meet the criteria for monetization.. the monetization criteria is, you have to cross 1000 subscription with 4000 hours watch time.. as per my view it is not a big task.. anyone of your video goes viral, like 100K+ views, then from one video itself you can cross this milestone and apply for sponsorship..

For uploading any videos, beside your profile picture you will find the upload button, where you can upload your video, and make sure to create good thumbnails, where it attracts most of the viewers, without good thumbnail your video will not gain views and you will feel disappoint at first step itself. so create a good content and good thumbnail and go for uploading, spend lot of time in script writing, editing and production. Once you start uploading the video it takes video from your computer and starts loading, after completion of upload it start the process of video and before that you need to fill out all the details of your video like title, description, tags etc and finally publishing it please checkout all the details provided and hit the publish button.

Once you hit the publish button your video will be live and available for public.. it is the time to get appreciation from the public if your content is good.. and it happens vice versa if content is bad..

After starting a new youtube channel you need to take care of some important settings that i will discuss in the next article.. 

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